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Tarana Wireless G1 Network Planning And Deployment Guide

Tarana Wireless Network Planning and Deployment Guide

General best practice guidelines for designing and deploying Tarana G1 networks.

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Tarana Wireless G1 Administration Guide

Tarana Wireless Administrative Guide

For system administrators and engineers interested in the design, daily management, operations, and troubleshooting of Tarana G1 networks...

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Data Sheets

G1 Data Sheet

Large portions of both developed and especially developing economies remain underserved in an ongoing digital divide that makes real broa...

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G1 Executive Summary

Fast broadband connectivity is no longer a matter of just entertainment and convenience, it’s an absolute necessity for multiple aspects...

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G1x2 Announcement

Tarana is proud to announce the new G1x2 mode, a software update that doubles the current 80 MHz bandwidth of the G1 platform to 160 MHz,...

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